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Clean And Rugged Shelving Units For Commercial Applications

Commercial plastic shelving that doesn't draw dust and that is rugged in design can be used in refrigerated and non-refrigerated settings. A commercial kitchen, a laboratory, or any other business setting that requires a stable area to store goods can benefit from the addition of polymer shelving units.

Polymer Properties

A high strength-to-weight ratio, resistance to moisture and corrosion, and low price points make polymer a suitable material to use within a business industry. This type of material is thermal-resistant. It can be stored within a room, a closet, a refrigeration unit, or outdoors.

A polymer shelving unit is a product that can be used when keeping items preserved or transporting them to another location. Polymer plastics often have an opaque appearance. The light color of the plastic will aid with preparing a complementary setting that ties commercial shelving in with the design elements that are displayed within a commercial setting.

Situations That May Constitute A Change

If you move items around in your business a lot, or if you have dealt with raw materials becoming dirty due to the current storage method you use, you may want to purchase some polymer shelving units. Shelving units that are made out of a polymer material will keep raw goods clean and dry.

This type of material is suited for use in food industries or in one that uses chemicals or other materials that need to be safely stored. A polymer shelving unit is much lighter in weight than a wooden or metal one. In spite of this, a polymer shelving unit will be able to hold a lot of items without being at risk of tipping over.

Usage Suggestions

A polymer shelving unit that is designed for commercial applications may be an upright unit, a side-by-side unit, or a wall unit. An upright shelving system will contain polymer platforms. This type of unit may contain cabinetry and a solid base or a wheel base. A side-by-side storage solution may consist of individual storage components that can be aligned next to one another. This type of storage unit may be shorter than an upright one.

A wall unit is one that will contain brackets and hardware that can be used to secure the polymer shelving to a wall. Walking around your business and determining which items need adequate storage will help you choose various polymer products that are adequately sized and that contain the number of storage compartments you need.

For more information about polymer shelving, contact a local company.
