Leave the Headache Behind When Moving With Kids

5 Moving Supply Tools Never To Overlook

When you are getting ready for a move, you must think about the moving supplies that you are going to need. There are a few that you may think you don't need, but you should always have just to be prepared. Here are five moving supplies that you should always have handy during a move and never overlook:

  1. Measuring Tape:  Having measuring tape is extremely handy, especially if you are moving large furniture. You will want to measure the doorways of both your old and new place to ensure that the furniture will fit. If the furniture is too large to fit, then you can decide that you will need to disassemble some parts, such as taking off the legs and more. If the furniture will fit, then you will know that you don't need to waste too much time with disassembling anything that doesn't need to be. 
  2. Furniture Sliders: Furniture sliders are very important for protecting the floors when moving heavy furniture items. This is also going to save your back from a great deal of heavy lifting. Simply place the large furniture on the sliders and you are able to drag the pieces to where you need them to be. 
  3. A Back Brace: A back brace may be necessary if you already have back problems and will help to ensure that your back doesn't give out on you in the middle of the moving process since it keeps your back in proper alignment. Be sure to talk to your doctor to determine which type of back brace is best for the type of back problems that you suffer from.
  4. Ropes: Ropes are important to have if you are moving some of your own furniture in your truck or on top of your car. You want to be sure that you can tie down the furniture securely with rope so that it does not fly off the car while in transition. Be sure that you know how to tie the rope properly so you can guarantee everything is securely tied down.
  5. A Tarp: You never know if you are going to have to deal with bad weather during the process of your move. Having a tarp will protect furniture from rainy conditions. You may even want to use a tarp when moving furniture that may be sensitive to the harsh UV rays from the sun to protect it from fading. 

Once you have all these moving supplies gathered, you can be sure that you are much more well prepared for your move. If you need to put some of your belongings in storage, contact a company like Route 37 Self-Storage, as some more traditional packing supplies might even be offered by them.
